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Updated: Sep 8, 2023




1. スポーツをする人

2. 審判

3. 観客/ファン

4. Team

5. Game

6. Sport

7. スポーツをする場所

8. 試合前にすること/起こること

9. スポーツをする

10. 観戦

11. 得点

12. 勝ち負け

13. 残念ながら…

1. スポーツをする人


何かの競技の選手はtennis player などのように 〜playerという場合が多いですが、-erや-stで終わるものもあります:





お相撲さんはsumo wrestler ですが、柔道や空手などの選手に関しては、誰でも知ってるおなじみで決まった言い方は今の所ないようです。ググってみると、柔道家と空手家をそのまま英語にして、judoka, karatekaというというとも出てきますが、一般的に知られていないと思います。オリンピックで柔道を見る機会があれば、意識して聞いてみますが、すでにご存知な方は是非教えて下さい。


2. 審判


umpire : tennis, cricket, baseball などの審判

referee : football, boxing, basketballなどの審判

judge : gymnastics, athleticsなどの審判

3. 観客/ファン

無観客での試合を見ると 、観客の重要性を実感します。選手も観客がいるといないとでは気持ちの盛り上がり方も違うんだろうなと思いました。

spectators : イベントや試合の観客(コンサートや映画の観客はaudience)

fan : tennis fans, football fans, Liverpool fans

I’m a fan of Manchester United.

supporter : 特定のチームや選手が好きで応援している人。

Arsenal supporters

I support Novak Djokovic.

fanとsupporterは似ていますが、 fanはスポーツや競技、そしてチームや選手にも使えますが、supporterはチームや選手に使い、競技などに使うのは一般的ではありません(tennis supportersとは言わない)。


I am a sports fanatic, but my other half doesn’t share my love of sport.

4. Team

coach a team

Tim coaches a school cricket team.

(play) in / for a team

He plays for Liverpool.

She was in the team that won the gold medal in 2012.

a member of a team

She was a member of the team that won the gold medal in 2012.

the winning team

the defeated team

a strong team

team effort

team captain

team mates

team spirit

home team

away team

5. Game

a physical game

Rugby is a physical game, but volleyball is not.

Football can be a physical game.

the object of a game

the rules of a game

the result of a game

6. Sport

a team sport

an individual sport

a contact sport

an indoor/outdoor sport

a winter sport

sports equipment

sports facilities

7. スポーツをする場所

court : tennis, squash, badminton, basketball, volleyball

pitch : football, cricket (fieldとも言う:baseballはfield)

track : cycling, running

rink : ice skating, ice hockey

ring : boxing, wrestling

stadium : stadiumは建物で、その中にfootball pitchや、athletics field/track などがある。

8. 試合前にすること、起こること

train for an event(例文は次のトピック「9.スポーツをする」にあります)

make the team

She’s finally been picked for the Olympics. It’s the first time she’s made the team.

drop from a team

He missed many training sessions, so Mike was dropped from the team.

9. スポーツをする


練習は、practise, trainなどを使い、オリンピックなどのイベントのために練習する場合は、prepareも使えます。

Tim is practising/training/preparing for Olympics.

試合に出るは、participate inやtake part in, join in

Roger Federer is not participating/taking part/join in the Tokyo Olympics.


play : tennis, football, basketball, volleyball, cricketなどなど多数

do : judo, karate, yoga, aerobics など

go : cycling, skiing, jogging, surfing, skateboarding, (rock) climbing, canoeing

10. 観戦

Watch sports


We watched the BBC live coverage of Wimbledon throughout the tournament.

11. 得点

What’s the score?

It’s one-all. (1対1)

It’s a draw. (引き分け)



love : tennis

duck : cricket

12. 勝ち負け

evenly matched

We have no idea who’ll win: these two players are evenly matched.

win a game/lose a game

John won the first game, but lost the second.

beat the other team/side

I hadn’t practised much at all but I beat him anyway.

go through

Fifty players will take part, but only 10 will go through to the second round.


The team celebrated their victory in their hometown.

sweep to victory

England was expected to sweep to victory.

lead (a team) to victory

Kate led her team to victory by scoring five goals.

rob (someone) of victory

Italy robbed England of victory in Euro 2020.

a dramatic victory

a decisive victory

an easy victory

a narrow victory

a surprise victory

a well-earned victory


England suffered a defeat.

accept defeat

Sometimes you have to accept defeat.

avoid defeat

Liverpool are hoping to avoid defeat.

a heavy/crushing defeat

a humiliating defeat

a narrow defeat

a shock defeat

a string of defeats

the possibility of defeat

the disappointment of defeat

13. 残念ながら…


Serena Williams had to retire early due to injury.

abandon a game

When the rain started they had to abandon the game.


They had to suspend the game for a while because of the rain.


He’s not fully recovered from his injury and will miss the next game.






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