冠詞の使い方Part 4は無冠詞について。
Parts 1-3も是非ご覧ください:
Part 1:冠詞の使い方:基礎
Part 2:不定冠詞a/anを使う
Part 3:定冠詞theを使う
I like apples. りんご一般
I need help. 助け一般(誰の助けとは言っていない)
注意:「りんご(一般)が好き」という場合、I like an apple.とも言えます。
Steve is a nice guy.
I’m playing tennis with Sophie tomorrow.
I’ve never met a Neil before.
この場合発音はStrong formの/ðiː/。
A: Taylor Swift came to my house yesterday.
B: What? Not the Taylor Swift?
The Johnsons have moved to Liverpool. ジョンソン一家/夫妻
I live in Langham Road.
There’re many shops in Camden High Street.
例外1:high streetは、お店が立ち並ぶ大通り/目抜き通りという意味で、名前ではないのでtheを使います。上記のCamden High Streetのように「〜High Street」の場合、名前なので冠詞は使いません。
There’re many shops in the high street.
道の名前がHigh Street(固有名詞)の場合でも、その名前になった理由が「目抜き通り」だからなので、theを使う場合がほとんどです。
The Broadway play we saw was brilliant. ( the play in Broadway の意味)
I went to an Oxford Street shop. (a shop in Oxford Streetの意味)
4.大学(university, college)の名前
Mike goes to Massey University.
Patricia graduated from Tokyo University.
Dan’s applied for the University of Essex.
Portugal borders Spain.
Canberra is the capital of Australia.
例外1:国名にunited, union, kingdom, republicが入っている場合、theを使う
I studied English in the United States.
Riyadh is the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Republic of China is in Asia. (または、China is in Asia. )
the Philippines
the Netherlands
6.Stadiums, 公園、空港、駅、病院などの建物の名前(その他の建物でtheを使うものは、「定冠詞theを使う場合」5番をご覧ください)。
I saw Oasis at Wembley Stadium more than a decade ago.
Central Park in New York is one of my favourite places in the world.
Ian flew from Heathrow Airport.
その他の例:Victoria Station, University College Hospital, Buckingham Palace, Canterbury Cathedral, Edinburgh Castle, etc.
The Royal London Hospital, The Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Palace
Royal Mail会社名
Royal Ascotイベント名
Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania.
Lake Biwa is the largest freshwater lake in Japan.
Maui is an island in the Hawaiian Islands.
Josh makes his own lunch before he goes to school. 勉強する目的
Harry goes to church every Sunday. お祈りする
The accused was sent to jail. 刑を務める
The pain got worse so I decided to go to hospital. 患者として
Sue went to bed early last night. 眠る/寝る
I watched TV last night. テレビ番組を見た
Joe was admitted to hospital suffering from chest pain. イギリス英語
Joe was admitted to the hospital suffering from chest pain. アメリカ英語
Mark went to the prison to visit his friend. 面会のために行った
I sat down on the bed and read my book. 座った
9.Breakfast, lunch, dinner
We had breakfast in the garden.
They often go out for dinner.
We had a very nice breakfast.
I had an early dinner.
We had a meal in the garden.
10.Work, home
Candy usually finishes work at 5.
I want to go home.
Sadly, he died of cancer last week.
Heart disease kills millions of people every year.
例外1:インフルエンザ (flu)、はしか (measles)、おたふくかぜ (mumps)は、theを使う場合もある(使わなくてもいい)。
Influenza is often called (the) flu.
Stewart had (the) measles when he was seven.
What does it say in question number 5?
‘A’ and ‘D’ are both correct.
Do you have this in size 8?
I’m in room 10.
My train leaves from platform 2.
Please open page 26.
Red peppers are an excellent source of vitamin A and C.
13.Kind of, sort of, variety of, mount of, number ofなどの次の名詞
What kind of dog is this?
Sarah donated a large amount of money.
English is the most widespread language.
Buddhism is now more popular than ever in Western countries.
例外 1:「アメリカで話されている英語」などと言う場合、theを使う
The English spoken in America is called American English.
The Portuguese spoken in Brazil is slightly different from the Portuguese used in Portugal.
例外2:language, religionという単語を次に使う場合、theを使う
The English language is spoken in many countries.
The Shinto religion originates in Japan.
(Shinto originates in Japan. が一般的)
I have few friends in London. 友達がほとんどいない
There’s little hope. 希望がほとんどない
a を使うとポジティヴな意味になる:
I have a few friends in London.友達が何人かいる
There’s a little hope. 少し希望がある
16.前置詞やandを使った「double expressions」
Tom’s health was improving day by day.
その他の例:with knife and fork, husband and wife, day after day, arm in arm, from top to bottom, inch by inch, etc.
17.my, this, thatなどと一緒に使わない
We need to solve this problem. (the this problemとは言わない)